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Publié en 1964, Le concasseur, unique roman noir d'Otto Alva Friedrich (1929-1995), traite en une critique féroce des dérives de la société de consommation. From the Back Cover «Versez-moi 5 000 dollars sinon vous ne reverrez jamais votre enfant.»Comment peut-on en arriver là ?
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Series: SERIE NOIRE 1 (Book 995) Paperback: 192 pages Publisher: GALLIMARD (January 13, 1993) Language: French ISBN-10: 2070493113 ISBN-13: 978-2070493111 Product Dimensions: 4.6 x 0.6 x 7.1 inches Shipping Weight: 4.2 ounces Customer Reviews: Be the first to write a review
Cet ensemble concasseur à impact mobile comprend une structure conçue pour être reliée à un véhicule. The mobile impact crusher assembly includes a frame that is configured for attachment to a vehicle. Le concasseur comprend un châssis (1) monobloc. The crusher comprises a frame (1) consisting of a single piece.
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rock crusher - Traduction en français - exemples anglais ... 30122013 More About concasseur de pierre portable, Concasseur de pierre Broyeur Homemade mini rock crusher Petit concasseur Both engines were offered with a choice of transmissions including the M-21 close-ratio four-speed manual, the heavy-duty M-22 " Rock Crusher " four-speed manual, or the three-speed Turbo ...
Mini Shows Off Dakar-Edition JCW Countryman. Mar 7, 2013 ... Mini celebrated its 2013 Dakar Rally win with a special John Cooper Works ... race/series, then makes a special-edition road car to celebrate the occasion. ... The car sits atop 19-inch "cross-spoke crusher" alloy wheels. ....