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Bone - Bone - Chemical composition and physical properties: Depending upon species, age, and type of bone, bone cells represent up to 15 percent of the volume of bone; in mature bone in most higher animals, they usually represent only up to 5 percent. The nonliving intercellular material of bone consists of an organic component called collagen (a fibrous protein arranged in long strands or ...
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Figure 6.3.3 – Anatomy of a Flat Bone: This cross-section of a flat bone shows the spongy bone (diploë) covered on either side by a layer of compact bone. Osseous Tissue: Bone Matrix and Cells Bone Matrix Osseous tissue is a connective tissue and like all connective tissues contains relatively few cells and large amounts of extracellular matrix.
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On the exterior, all bones are covered with periosteum. Bones themselves are actually composed of two types of bone material: Compact bone: The “shell” of each bone is made up of compact bone, which looks like a solid mass. Cancellous (spongy) bone: Some bones have an interior mass of cancellous bone, which is a network of trabeculae (columns) arranged in such a way to reduce stress and ...
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